However, a look at the website's disclaimer page reveals that above all else, they're concerned with covering their own digital asses. There's no shortage of hacks and downloads you can find that promise to ease the disconnect between your wallet and your free time where Supercell's mobile game is concerned - and chief among them is a website bluntly called Clash of Clans Hacks. This application in particular promises that it doesn't require a jailbreak or Cydia - the same application you need to download the Pokémon Go++ hack - and guarantees that it's 100% undetectable and safe. Clash of Clans Hacks and Cheats: These promise gems, but lead to losing your account But should you use them? Ultimately it's up to you, but our advice is to steer clear. Much like with other über-popular games like Pokémon Go, there are lots of cheats and hacks that promise you an easier time as you make your way through the game. Although the Gem Mine allows you to collect one of the game's currencies at a rate that could be charitably described as "glacial," you'll have to shell out real world money on micro transactions to accumulate them in any significant capacity. Playing Clash of Clans, like many other mobile games, comes down to whether you value your time or your money more.