Correct white screen transition when entering Termina Field from the Astral Observatory during the day on the 1st cycle. Correct header to prevent incorrect speed on N64 consoles (Europe, Gamecube roms were programmed for 60 hz only). Restore text corrections from the Europe v1.1 release (including missing sounds, transposed and missing control characters in text). Restore references to the original N64 controller (text/graphics). Restore the original A, B, and Start button colors (HUD, pause menu, selection cursors, text, Ocarina musical staff, etc.). Restore the Language select screen under Option (Europe only). Restore the Language select screen when there is no save (Europe only). Restore the confirmation chime for correct songs (Gamecube emulator streamed from disc).
Restore the ending credits music & Scarecrow’s song (Gamecube emulator streamed from disc).This is a patch to revert all of the cosmetic changes, emulation related changes, misc bugs/glitches, and various censorship changes for the Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Gamecube roms for use on real N64 consoles.